Earlier this week Google announced the launch of Custom Columns in AdWords. This new feature will allow for AdWords Users to segment existing column metrics for more detailed views of data. If you were looking for an easier way to track performance, then adding custom columns is your answer.
Google stated they are “introducing custom columns to AdWords reporting, an easy way to create and view segmented columns for the metrics you want to see.” Not being able to see many of the metrics AdWords Users or their clients truly care about is a common problem among the AdWords community. With the addition of custom columns, the user can get a bit more creative with metrics. Custom columns can help keep a close eye on the metrics that matter most in your accounts.

I’m sure you are sitting in your chair, staring at your screen in amazement (like I was) and asking yourself how does this magic all happen. Well, I will let you in on the secret. It is actually quite simple. When selecting a metric such as Click Through Rate (CTR) you can then apply multiple segments against that original query, for example Mobile. This will now allow you to come up with columns such as ’Mobile CTR’.
Thanks again, Google, for allowing us to really dig down into the data and help us provide our clients with the most reliable and transparent information available.